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IRON SMELT - June 2...
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IRON SMELT - June 22 - Wareham Forge

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(@Darrell Markewitz)
Posts: 11
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I have been researching and acquiring materials to test the 'stone block' build I consider most likely used at the site at Skogar, Iceland (enclosed image).
I will be purchasing the needed granite stone later today. (Type chosen with consultation with Marcus Burnham, my geologist team member.)
- electric blower
- bog ore analog
- forged copper tuyere
- maple charcoal
I have worked with 'stone slab' construction a few times, so I am not expecting any special surprises. Granite is not basalt, and local stone is certain to have its own variations.

I am expecting to see:
- specific erosion / heat effects on the stones. This may serve useful in comparison to the archaeology.
- an effect from the massive weight of the stone build (in the range of 400 kg) that sinks the first course of stones into the ground soil level. This may also be done specifically, in a help to stabilize the construction. Again to compare to archaeology.
- specific problems with the clay fill into the gaps between stones shrinking as it dries and causing venting cracks. There may be small fragments of clay spalling off into the furnace interior. Will this leave traces?
- the much larger mass of the stone build is likely to effect at least the initial heating to temperature / overall charcoal consumption. How much on both?

Interested in Attending?

There will certainly be openings for people to assist directly with the smelt itself. Charcoal Money, direct work around the furnace, possible compaction at extraction. Those interested in just observing are welcome to attend!
I consider this a 'semi invitational' event. What that means is that if you are interested in coming up, just pop me back an e-mail letting me know. (This primarily so I can manage things like parking, etc.)  Also feel free to pass this event notice to others you may know that may also want to come up (same rule).

Start time : 9:00 AM
Expected main sequence start : 11 - 12 PM
Estimated extraction of bloom : 6 - 7 PM

I have pulled the following off my standard 'student course information' - especially for those who have not attended an iron smelt at Wareham inthe past :

1) Directions
- See the web site http://www.warehamforge.ca/directions
- *Beware of GPS guides*, they often place the civic address of 307377 Centre Line in the centre of the 'farm block' - so a good 1 km west of the shop. The correct location is on the intersection of Centre Line and 41 Sideroad.
- the Wareham Forge is registered on Google Maps
- Travel times are roughly 2 hours from Toronto (depending), 1 1/2 hours from Waterloo.
- If you get lost,  (you can try to) call me at 519-923-9219. I will try to keep my portable phone (land line) with me, but honestly expect to be out in the smelting area after about 8 am Saturday.

2) Weather
- Check the Weather Network for 'Dundalk' http://www.theweathernetwork.com/ca/weather/ontario/dundalk
- Generally the the temperature is 5 C less than posted temperature for Toronto
- The geography means conditions here can be radically different than further south, plan for this.

This is an OUTDOOR event - conducted rain or shine.
There is some limited overhead cover, but primarily just over the working area (which is limited to the working team only)
Dress in layers - warm footgear recommended.

3) Hours
- refer to above

4) Access
-Visitors are advised to park nose in along the front edge of the workshop (Centre Line)
- Parking on the side driveway is limited to working team only please.
- Any overflow is suggested to park along the road, east side on 41 Sideroad. (Too many high speed trucks on Centre Line on weekends!)

- The iron smelting area is under a pole frame with roof area, beside the pond, to the rear of the property. Just make your way down the east side of the main building, then through the gap at the edge of the small 'tin shop'.
- Entry to the workshop is the large cargo door to the south side of the building (Centre Line).
- Otherwise if you need to find me, there is a house door bell located (small sign) on the right hand * side * of the shop entrance frame. Note that the residence is to the rear of the same building - *not* at the church building next door.

5) Bring
- Safety gear (glasses, ear plugs) will be available (and enforced for work team) If you have better quality safety glasses you should bring them.
- Anyone hoping to get directly involved as the work team needs leather foot wear, and should be above ankle high. Steel toes are *not* required. (Generally most work or hiking boots are fine).
- Caution should be taken to  avoid any 'polar fleece' / acrylic or nylon fabrics - especially required for work team. Cotton is ideal, (jeans and T shirt). Note that the burning charcoal produces considerable wind born ash, and often small sparks. This is a dirty working environment!
- Bag lunches are suggested. Travel to the closest food is either Dundalk or Flesherton, which runs about 15 minutes for either. Note there are normally no cooking facilities available on site. There is a roofed fire pit that can be made use of.
- Don't bother with bottled water. Any water sourced from 'Feversham' comes out of the same underground as my own well does.

Posted : 19/06/2019 8:21 am

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