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Monthly Hammer-In every 3rd Saturday

4 Posts
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(@Franco Naccarato)
Posts: 2
Topic starter

Hi All,

I am bringing a proposal to the Board, to host an open invitation Hammer-In, every third Saturday of the month. 

I have been thinking of a way to engage people who want to learn how to blacksmith, but like me, don't have a forge to work from. I have permission from Country Heritage Park to use their facilities for the club.

I am looking for mentors that may want to spend a day with us, providing beginners with some tips. From now until March it will be more informal, but I'd like to get some confirmed guest Mentors to schedule for next year. If you are interested, please send me an email.

Posted : 16/09/2019 7:21 am
Posts: 3
New Member


I'm a brand new, fledgling blacksmith. I just got my forge up and running and pounded a bit of metal recently. I would love to meet others interesting in blacksmithing and get some tips and spend the day hammering metal. My forge is tiny, 2 inch by 4 inch by 8 inch interior but that means it's totally portable! I could easily bring my set up out to play. I live in London but Milton isn't too far to go for a day.

I went looking for your email but couldn't seem to find it or find a way to private message you. Would this be this weekend? If so I am totally in! I'd just need some details. Send me a message at stuff_happens@hotmail.com.

Posted : 18/09/2019 7:35 am
(@Franco Naccarato)
Posts: 2
Topic starter


opps didnt realize my email didnt publishmy email is franconaccarato@yahoo.com

Posted : 18/09/2019 4:39 pm
Posts: 3
New Member

@Franco Naccarato

I emailed you Franco.

Anyone else out there interested? Don't be shy! It's a bit impromptu and short notice but hey its exciting to us newbies! I'm brand new, and loud sometimes but it's only because I'm excited! We'll have at least one forge and anvil available but it looks like it might be a bunch of newbies. Come on out while the weather is still good! Hammer a thing!

Posted : 19/09/2019 8:43 am

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