Fire and Steel

An Exibition by Ontario Blacksmiths

Images From Past Events



May. Newman Forge and Pattern - John Newman

John Newman invited our group into his shop to see the range of work he takes on.  Starting with a breif description about the pattern making their pattern making jobs he then showed us the new swage block design he has been working on.  For the afternoon we moved over to the forge portion of his shop where he forged two large sledge hammers for this year’s CanIronXII Auction Project.  A cross pein and straight pein style hammers forged out of 4140 under his huge steam (converted to compressed air) hammer.



April. Upper Canada Village - John Little

This year we had Artist Blacksmith John Little and his wife Nancy Little come from East Dover, Nova Scotia.  John presented an artist talk as well as forging demonstrations in his unique artist style.


February. Box Joint Pliers - Mike Armstrong



October. Annual General Meeting - Mick Smith

At our annual general meeting held at Fergus Forge – Mick Smith demonstrates what you can create starting with a ball pein hammer.


June. Glengarry Pioneer Village Hammer In

The 2nd annual hammer held at the Glengarry Pioneer Museum.  We had gunsmiths forging gun barrels in the old shop and many blacksmits set up under the pole barn for open forge time.


April. Upper Canda Village - Daneil Gouffé

This was the 2nd year we brough a professional blackmsith to demonstrate for our group at the shop in Upper Canada Village.  This year we had Daniel Gouffé.  He demonstrated a wide range of projects including a betty lamp, trammel and Norfolk sytle handle


February. Post Vice Demo - Megan Carter

At this meeting, held at the Waldies Blackmsith Shop in Milton, Megan Carter demonstrated forging components of a small post vice.  This was done as part of the completion of her OABA education scholarship for which she travelled to Touchstone Centre for Craft to take a class with Thomas Latané – Forging a bench vice in 17th century style.



December. Christkindle Market

Each year, The Ontario Artist Blacksmith Association demonstrate at this event in Civic Square, Kitchener.


October. Annual General Meeting - Cork Screws

Lloyd Johnston demonstrates forging a small cork screw.

Ron McLean will be bring a selection of Corkscrews from his LARGE Collection and will share his knowledge gained through the years.


September. Tongs - Sean Stoughton

Sean Stoughton demonstrates forging bolt head tongs at the Kwartzlab studio in Kitchener.

Kwartzlab is a ‘hackerspace’, a member-run organization that shares space and tools for digital fabrication, electronics, woodworking, metal working, crafts and more.


July. Tire Shrinking - Terry Sheridan

Terry Sheridan and friends demonstrate shrinking a metal tire onto a wooden wheel.


May. Poppy Forging

Poppy making at the McCrae House in Guelph (birthplace of John McCrae, author of “In Flanders Fields”).  This event was organized to get the public involved in the Ypres Peace Monument project.



May. Bladesmithing - Kevin Cashen

Bladesmithing demonstration with Master Bladesmith, Swordsmith and expert metallurgist Kevin Cashen – held at Thak Ironworks.


February. Hammer Demo - Mike Armstrong

At this meeting, held at the Waldies Blackmsith Shop in Milton, Mike Armstrong demonstrated forging a wrought iron body with forge welded steel faces.  This was done as part of the completion of his OABA education scholarship for which he travelled to Touchstone Centre for Craft to take a class with Thomas Latané.



Kristen Fahrig’s Arbor Project

The Archway will be a defining feature spanning the walkway at the entrance of MacGregor Playground in the Toronto west end, letting visitors know this little park just might be enchanted.

The arbour was started with funding from the Ontario Arts Council and has been partially forged by a team of blacksmiths led by Master Blacksmith Sandra Dunn of Two Smiths.

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