OABA Membership Registration

  • You can JOIN OABA by paying your annual membership fee of $45.00 via PayPal or e-transfer (online banking). Send your payment to treasurer@ontarioblacksmiths.ca and select the Manual/Offline payment option. If new registrations are paid by Paypal or E-transfer we require a follow up email to be sent to treasurer@ontarioblacksmiths.ca with your name, address, and phone number. Or you can pay by cheque, sending your name, address and a cheque for $45.00, payable to the Ontario Artist Blacksmith Association, to our membership chair: Boyd Page 347 St. Andrews Street Cambridge, ON, N1S 1P4 NOTE: Please make sure to make the cheque out to ‘Ontario Artist Blacksmith Association’, not to OABA or to Les. Please allow some time for your information for be processed and your account to be activated. Thank you.

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