About Us


Artist blacksmiths make a wide range of work:


Architectural Pieces






Door Hardware






Historical Reproductions

Blacksmithing is a fascinating subject: logical yet mysterious; elementary in its importance to the development of civilization, yet highly sophisticated in its practice.To most, the blacksmith is epitomized by sheer brute strength but such an epitome misses the mark widely.

Brains, imagination, and the power of visualization are far more important than brawn to the smith.The secret of success in the trade is really intellect and this must have been true of its beginnings.

Through demonstrations and practice the basics of blacksmithing are learned.

Who We Are

Members are drawn from all those interested in all types of iron work, whether full time professional or weekend hobbyist.

Hire a Blacksmith

Feel free to post a Notice indicating what you are looking for. You may have greater success, however, researching and contacting individual members directly.


The Ontario Artist Blacksmith Association was found in 1982 by Lloyd Johnston, David Norrie, and Jim Wallace. 

Our goals:

  • Promote blacksmithing as a high quality creative craft and affordable art form which has a growing place in modern society
  • To serve as an organization for blacksmiths in Ontario particularly, but not exclusively those who make it their profession
  • Promote an exchange of creative ideas
  • Provide an opportunity for teaching and learning about specific techniques of blacksmithing
  • Provide a supportive network of communications for all members

OABA is an affiliate of ABANA, the Artist Blacksmith Association of North America.

 What Membership Gets You

  • attendance to our monthly meetings
  • access to members only events workshops and demonstrations
  • delivery of our newsletter – The Iron Trillium
  • access to the membership section of our site (Iron Trillium archives, videos and articles)
  • affordable education at only $40 CAD per year

OABA is an affiliate of ABANA, the Artist Blacksmith Association of North America.

OABA Events

Our monthly meetings take a few forms.  We have meetings held at members’ shops where they will demonstrate a new skill or technique.

We also have “Hammer Ins”, usually held at a heritage village.  At these meetings you are welcome to bring your forge and anvil and set up for the day. Forge what you like – learn and share with the group.

Occassionally we will bring in a well known smith from further afield to do a speical demonstration for our group or run a workshop.  

Hire a Demonstrator

A blacksmith demonstrating at an event is an entertainer. Entertainers in comparable fields will typically charge $250-$400 for two hours, whereas most blacksmiths will charge the same or less for four or more hours of work, which will include transporting and setting up hundreds of pounds of equipment. Allowing the blacksmith to sell his or her wares at the event in addition to demonstrating is a very small incentive as demonstrating typically only increases sales by 5-15%, so most blacksmiths selling their wares don’t demonstrate at the same time, given the additional expense and effort.

Hire a Member

Many of our members are part-time/hobby blacksmiths, whereas others have been professional blacksmiths for decades. There will therefore be a great deal of variability in both quality and price, do your research carefully and have a clear picture of what your expectations are in terms of both quality and price.

Ironwork cast into molds, made thousands at a time does not compare in quality to one-of-a-kind pieces of art produced by the hands of a skilled craftsman, expect it to take much longer to make and do not expect to pay similar prices. You can compare a blacksmith to a sculptor or a painter, art takes a great deal of both time and skill.

Contact Us

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